Call for Papers

This international conference (now in its third edition) aims to bring together scientists from different disciplines and research areas to meet and discuss computational problems in the study of social systems and dynamics, as well as research questions motivated by large datasets, either extracted from real applications (e.g. social media, communication systems), or created via controlled experiments or computational models The goal of the conference is to create a broad and interdisciplinary community of researchers, including academics, tech industry workers, open data activists, government agency workers, and think tank analysts, who are committed to advancing social science knowledge through computational methods.

In addition to keynote speakers and paper sessions, the conference will also include a series of training opportunities and tutorials.

We welcome submissions on any topic in the intersection of the social sciences and the computer sciences, including (a) new approaches for understanding social phenomena, (b) improving methods for computational social science, (c) and improving conditions for computational social science research. But we are especially interested in:

Researchers across disciplines, faculty, graduate students, industry researchers, policy makers, and non-profit workers are all encouraged to submit computational data-driven research and innovative computational methodological or theoretical contributions on social phenomena for consideration. 


Deadline for abstract submission: 01 March 2017 (23:59 Hawaii time)

Notification of acceptance: 13 April 2017

Conference dates: 10-13 July 2016


Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair at

Please follow the abstract template guidelines [download as .docx] [download for LateX] for formatting and note that abstracts longer than 3 pages will be automatically rejected.

The submission should include a title, a list of 5 keywords, and an extended abstract (= main text of the submission) with at least one figure, formatted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Please do not include authors’ names and affiliations in the submitted document as peer review will be double blind. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by a Program Committee composed of experts in computational social science.

For submitting on EasyChair you will also need the information about authors and their affiliations, and an abstract summary paragraph. The summary will be used during the paper bidding phase and for assigning reviewers.

Submissions will be non-archival.


We will do our best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, typically in parallel sessions. However, since we cannot estimate the number of submissions we may accept some abstracts for a poster session.